An App for learning songs

An App for learning songs

Imagine you want to learn a song by ear, wouldn’t it be great if there was an app that gave you access to the Apple Music Catalog while giving you the option focus on the part you are learning, while giving you the option to change the speed?

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A real-time world dashboard using Mongodb Change Streams

Since version 3.6, MongoDB offers Change Streams, a new feature that allows user to subscribe to all data changes in a single collection, a database, or an entire deployment. To explore this feature, I have written a small full-stack application that displays (fake) app downloads on a world map in real-time. The technologies used are the following: MongoDB for the persistence using the change streams feature for real-time updates Go backend server, with pretty much no dependencies besides the Mongodb driver An Angular frontend application using Mapbox GL JS for the map visualization The backend server pushes changes to the frontend application using a web socket using go WebSockets In the following sections, I will describe in detail each part of the application. [Read More]

June Language Challenge

I’ve been struggling with learning german for a couple of years. I’ve tried multiple techniques and content types: apps, structured language courses, informal tutoring on Italki, and yet I’m still far from fluency. Recently I’ve discovered Lingvist, an app that claims to use the best findings in cognitive research to improve learning retention. It’s basically some sort of glorified Anki, targeted specifically to language learning.

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